


Frankie grew up alone with her abusive mother in a

Veteran Care apartment. She was physically, mentally,

and emotionally abused every day. That was until her

mother suddenly committed suicide by hanging while

Frankie was at school(she was 12). She was the first person

to find her body.

Every night, she relieves the night she found her

body, so she suffers from severe insomnia to prevent

herself from sleeping.

One of the only things that helped her continue was music. She is a passionate

musician and writing music was the only thing that helped her stay sane in her

mother’s possession.

After her mother’s suicide, she became homeless for some years. She has little

memory of what happened during this time. She has injection scars on her arms

so one of the most likely things was that she became a drug addict. At the time of

the story, she is 20.

She knows her aunt and uncle, but doesn’t go to them because she fears they

might be like her mother. At the end of the story, it is implied she finally goes to


History of Creation

Frankie was originally Francis, and she originally used to be male. She also originally

was a police officer, and the story was also originally called The Crimson Rain. It was

a Wattpad story I was writing back when I wrote short Wattpad stories in 2017.

This was the first image of Francis that I drew, in 2020. At this point in time I planned

for The Nightmare Case (changed name) to be an analog horror. You can clearly see

that it was heavily inspired by The Walten Files. I ALWAYS KNEW SHE WOULD HAVE


She was a man for a long time before one day while I was walking to class I thought,

hey what would he look like if he wore more feminine clothes? And the designs I

came up with as a joke were infinitely more appealing than his current design so I aimed

the ole’ trusty Transgenderification Ray and started blasting.

Originally he was going to have a cop sidekick named Millie. I had this idea for a long

time before I eventually abandoned it as I was conflicted about her more comical nature

and the more serious tone of the story. She might show up as a resident but I don’t

know if I have the strength to corrupt her :(

I made Frankie Schizophrenic because I wanted to challenge myself as a writer. I don’t

feel like I have ever really seen a good story with a schizophrenic person besides

Cry of Fear, and even when they attempt it always ends up feeling very cliche or

ableist. Even Cry of Fear doesn’t really delve into the inner workings of how

Schizophrenia even really FEELS, its more generally about depression and suicide.

I wanted to write a more hopeful story that helps shed light on the reality of having

Schizophrenia and that schizophrenic people are not “insane” or “murderers” or

whatever bullshit people come up with these days. Through my research I have learned

lots of interesting things and met kind and loving people. I want to represent these

people through Frankie, I hope.

I see a lot of those Schizo memes and it makes me feel bad because it’s really just those

autistic screeching memes from 2016 with a different coat of paint again. I know what

it feels like to hate yourself for something out of your control. Those memes made me

hate myself for the longest time and I had to learn to love myself and be okay with being autistic. I just hope that making TWW will help some people, even if it’s just one person, to love themselves and become content with themselves.